










I actually discovered this dish when I was living in Queenstown and it soon became my favorite breakfast/any time of the day meals at my local Cafe; The Grange at Lake Hayes Estate. So I decided to give it a crack one cold, wet, dreary Sunday morning recently, and OMG…it is SO easy and SO tasty!

This dish has Jewish/Libyan/Algerian origins with the flavors of cumin and added heat with chilli. So delicious and actually quite easy!It is a beautiful, tasty, healthy start to any day, and the perfect brunch dish for cold winter lazy Sunday mornings. 



1 x can tomatoes

1 punnet cherry tomatoes halved

1 cup chopped button mushrooms

½ onion chopped

1 red capsicum finely chopped

2 tsps (or more) ground cumin

Chilli flakes

8 eggs

Fresh coriander/basil

50 gms feta cheese

Olive oil




Fry the capsicum, onion and mushrooms in a little olive oil, then add the can of tomatoes and halved cherry tomatoes.

Add the cumin and chilli flakes(a little to begin with, then add to taste) and simmer on low heat for about 5-10 minutes.

Crack the eggs 1 by 1 onto of the tomatoe mixture and add a lid to the frypan. Cook until the eggs are the desired texture, soft of longer for hard eggs,

Sprinkle over chopped coriander and crumbled feta cheese and serve…

Serves 4

eggs shashushka
















CM x

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